Monday, 27 May 2013


Hi and thankyou for taking the time to look at by blog.

I'm going to post about my trials and tribulations of trying to find foundations that work with my super super pale skin. If you also have pale skin and have been struggling to find foundations to match your skin tone, I hope this will be of help to you, and hopefully can avoid some of the expensive mistakes that I've made. 

A little about me. I have ridiculous pale skin which makes finding makeup a challenge. Not only that but my skin is also extremely dry, sensitive and reactive which means it does not cope well with many products. I also have the most unashamedly bright red cheeks, which are an almost nightmare to try to cover up. This is not simply blushing cheeks or broken capillaries but red blotchy skin that never goes away. If you have any similar problems with your skin, even if you're not that pale, some of the information on here may still be of use to you. 

I'm going to start with some foundations and then I'm hoping to move on to concealers and then other makeup. I also hope to post about skin care because with the problems I have, finding which skin care products work well with your skin is half the battle.

Thanks again for reading, enjoy


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